Friday, March 9, 2012


I confess that my prayer life has been interrupted by the cares of this world, and while I have been often reminded of the need to be on my knees before God, I confess to my shame that I did not end up there. I often wonder if other Christians find themselves in this same predicament. You miss a day, or two, which you turn around 2 weeks later and wonder what happened and where your prayer life went. As Jesus silently sits in the corner waiting to be acknowledged, I trudge through day after day without talking to Him. HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE? How is it that the Creator of the universe could be ignored by such an one as I? Immediately the adversary steps in and begins his litany of accusations and the guilt of my shame agrees with him. Why is it that we find ourselves so quick to do anything but pray?

Momma and I began reading the sermons of Charles H. Spurgeon this morning. I have to confess that the sermon we read on the Immutability of God (immutability means to be unchanging) left me with little doubt as to the condition of the modern day Christian (myself included ^_^ ).  We think as Christians that God's Promises are immutable, but the thing we do not consider, and most certainly do not hear preached from our pulpits, is that if the promises are immutable, so are the threats. Now, you may say that God does not threaten, but I put to you dear reader that He does. Every warning, every commandment carries with it the weight of the diametric opposite of a promise, and that is that if the warning is not heeded, the commandment not obeyed, there is a dire consequence. I am not here to make a case for or against 'once saved always saved' as I do not believe there is space on the internet for such a discussion. I will tell you however that this Christian has decided that my future in God's immutable plan is directly related to my understanding of my need of Him on a moment to moment basis, and I believe that decision to be wise because it is far better to err on the side of caution than to risk the eternal weight of the consequences. My discernment is that we as Christians have become sloppy in our reverence of Almighty God, we have made His Omniscient, Omnipresent and Omnipotent presence something that is common and normal. I put to you this day that He is not common, and most certainly not normal, and a return to the reverence due to the Almightiness of God is what our churches, our society and our world need. I know most certainly that I do. And without doubt I will continue in that understanding until He Returns.

God Bless You.

Thursday, March 1, 2012


I confess this past week has been a battle. The only problem with being an artist/illustrator and saving every piece of work you've ever done is that sometimes going through those old drawings reveals your old nature. The enemy wakes up the ZOMBEY (the life that I laid down the day I declared Jesus Christ my Lord) and it's time to do battle. It's not that I sought out my old man, but he woke up from his grave and bit me and it has been an uphill battle ever since. Wrestling with Zombey is really hard, and consequently I learned that even when you're not looking for your Zombey, he is ALWAYS looking for you. I've been doing a lot of sorting and organizing while I've been re-arranging my room this past week, making room (as well as cleaning out items that belonged to Zombey) and the time involved has been astronomical due to the fact that I can stand there and obsess about one tiny thing for 20 minutes, which turns out to be a complete waste of time because what I'm obsessing about has absolutely no relevance to the completion of the mission at hand. I found myself doing this over and over and over and over again. Finally I realized how much time I was consuming with these 'country bumpkin roads' and I finally put a stop to it. I really believe that this behavior was a result of Zombey and the lifestyle that he was involved with. I apologize if this sounds like rambling, I assure you that this information is pertinent to the subject matter at hand though... So beyond wrestling with Zombey, my Scripture time has been under attack, as well as my prayer time. You get one guess as to who is responsible for those.  O_o

Today I woke with a different approach. I've been doing my morning devotionals as the Proverb for the day (today, being the 29th, I read Proverbs 29). Wow, that is all I can say. Now, I read out of the King James Bible, because it is what I was raised on and I find it INFINITELY easier to understand than any other version. God met me in an amazing way that He never has before and the understanding that I have of the first 5 verses alone is incredible. And exceedingly time consuming. Now Momma depends on me for keeping lil' Nate occupied while she is cooking, doing things that cannot be interrupted, or bears some danger to Nate. I really enjoy the time I spend with Nate, and I am so blessed to have him in my life. I tell you this, the child is teaching me more about life every day. I am continually amazed at how he perceives everything around him with such awe and wonder, it reflects on my walk with God. On the one hand I have the time now to study the scriptures and spend time with God, but I also have to be mindful of the time that I have to be available to Momma. So yesterday I spent some time in the Word while Nate was napping, and today I did it in the morning and continued it this afternoon. God expounded upon His Word and gave me a wonderful and informative Bible study.

Despite the many setbacks this past week, I went to church as God has permitted me to faithfully, and even though we were late, the time spent in worship was refreshing. The last two songs that we sung were "These are the Days of Elijah" and "Even So Come". I was amazed at how much I FELT the songs as I sang with all my heart. I gave myself over to singing "Even So Come" and the Presence of the Lord was so tangible in the church that I was driven to my knees, all I could speak was 'Unworthy...I'm unworthy...' I was ashamed, I was amazed...I was absolutely astounded that God would even give me the time of day after the week I have had. But God... I love those two words...But God had other plans. I was overwhelmed with the work He was doing in me, I could sense it, I could feel it... He was burning dross off of me... I was DRIVEN TO THE FLOOR prostrate before His mighty hand. I was keenly aware of my unashamed weeping before him, but even as I wanted to be cognizant of it, all I could HEAR was weeping and wailing, as He ministered to His saints. I don't know if I heard it in the Spirit, or if everyone in the church had been weeping, but it was such a precious weeping. It was reverent and worshipful, it was broken and joyful... it was AMAZING. Even now recounting these events I am weeping before God for the incredible love that He has for us. For me. Oh God, how good You are to us.

I continue to walk with Him because He is so FAITHFUL to me, I cannot help but want to be near Him more. God Bless You All. G'nite.

Sunday, February 19, 2012


"Lord, I confess, I am ANGRY."

After a week in pain, my faith is starting to bruise, and as I get up from bed in the middle of the night for the third time in three hours, I can only confess to God honestly..."Lord, I mean no disrespect, I just don't get it. And I confess...I am ANGRY."

So here I am, once again blogging, only this time it's 1:33am and I should be sleeping. I freely admit, I can't sleep because I am SO ANGRY.

 So behold, this is why I am stewing:

I am a blood purchased child of the Most High God.   
I have faith to be saved. 
I have faith to be Baptized in the Holy Spirit.
And the healing that I claim on any number of scriptures in God's Word has yet to take place. 

So, here's my thought process...
ALMIGHTY GOD... single creation with a healing request... NOT A BIG DEAL.
After a week of waiting, praying, reading and being a good Christian, I admit, my faith is starting to bruise. WHAT IS THE POINT OF BEING A CHRISTIAN IF WE HAVE TO WALK AROUND THIS MUD-BALL BEING AS MISERABLE AS EVERYONE ELSE? I mean, I know we don't do this for the perks, but REALLY?!?

JOHN 16:23-24
And in that day ye shall ask me nothing. Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you. Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full. 

I freely admit, I am no legal counsel or rocket scientist, but that seems pretty straight forward. 

So I'm laying there in bed, trying to get to sleep, realizing that my stewing about this is causing me to meditate on it, which you are supposed to do, and I realize that He is listening. I realize that He is listening because I sense Him in the silence. My mind is literally whizzing with questions, statements and arguments, a cacophony of noise. So I slow things down and present it to Him. Ok Lord, here's my dilemma.

God, why is teaching on this so vague? Every one says Your answers to prayer are "Yes, No, not right now"... and then there's the circle that believes that our faith (of either the pray-er, or the one being prayed for) determines the outcome. Well what good does that do? I mean, really? So if I ask for healing and don't get it, that means it's a "No, or a not right now" or my faith is not up to par, or I asked the wrong person to pray for me. Boy, how's that for a tray load of excuses for ya? A church preaching God without power. Never have I seen such an oxymoron. I ask You this...How much faith did Lazarus have when he lay DEAD in his tomb? I don't know about You, but I didn't read about a No or a 'Not Right Now' there. That man stood up when he was commanded, and came forth as he was told. I'm so jaded about this because it seems that all the teaching about Your Word is contrary to Your Word! Are you Jehovah-Rapha, the Lord our Healer, or not? I'm Your Son. I've asked to be healed (because Your Word says we should ask), I've claimed the healing that Jesus Christ paid for with His Stripes, and I've walked in Faith for a week now. So you can see why I'm getting angry.

"Be angry and sin not..."
Well, Lord, I'm not sinning. I'm frustrated, confused and I'm doing what I'm supposed to: I'm bringing it to You.

Wait a minute.
He said BE angry.
Woah, woah woah. OK, that certainly changes things.
God commanded me to be angry. Ok. So, I do have a right to be angry? Hmmm, this warrants some looking into.

So I read the rest of the verse:
Ephesians 4:26
Be angry and sin not: let not the sun go down on your wrath.

AND sin not. The remainder of that verse clarifies the last statement (by use of the colon) "Let not the sun go down on your wrath" So, to be angry and sin, means to be angry and let the sun go down on your wrath. Considering the sun went down many hours ago, that doesn't apply here, but just to cover myself, I'm not angry AT anyone, I don't feel wroth with anyone, I'm angry at the situation. So as far as I can see, I'm doing alright so far. But the question remains...why am I being commanded to BE ANGRY? Then I see it. The next verse.

Neither give place to the devil.

Hmm. Now I know that most people teach that this means that being angry for the wrong reason will give the devil a foothold in your life, and this verse is telling you not to allow that. That's sound. But let me put this to you another way. We are commanded to BE ANGRY when the devil (or any one of his minions) places their grubby little claws on us.

Is it the command to be RIGHTEOUSLY ANGRY and cast him, his minions, out and rebuke them?
Is it the command to be RIGHTEOUSLY ANGRY and refuse to worship the powerless god that the devil is peddling in the churches today? 


Lord, I close this entry with a prayer. Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer. (Psalm 19:14) I am thy servant; give me understanding, that I may know thy testimonies. (Psalm 119:125) Make me to understand the way of thy precepts: so shall I talk of thy wondrous works. (Psalm 119:27)
In the precious name of Jesus Christ, My Lord, My God and Savior and King. Amen.

-----------EDITED: UPDATE-----------

Our God is so good to us. He knows us so well that sometimes His knowledge of us surprises us. This is the case with this entry. Allow me to explain. On Sunday, February 5, 2012, I was baptized in the Holy Ghost in front of the whole church, evidenced with speaking in Tongues. It was a glorious experience that has changed my life. The week following I was beset by my adversary with physical constipation. I have confessed to God that He is Jehovah-Rapha, The Lord My Healer, and I trust Him with the physical needs of the body that He created for me, so when this physical manifestation occurred, I contacted my Physician, The Lord, about it and sought His healing. Through the week, I spent much time before Him in prayer and continual walking in His Presence, knowing that as long as I am near Him and focused on Him, my physical body and it's behaviors are His responsibility. So the week went on and there was no answer to the prayer. The following Sunday, February 12, 2012, I was gloriously healed during Worship, where a revelation of His walking the isles of the church looking for Faith to Believe the works that He can do left me in awe of his presence. Enraptured in front of His Throne, I felt His touch and was immediately healed.

Now this is where my education in God and His behavior in our lives truly began in earnest. For three days I walked in that healing, until the constipation was revisited upon me. Immediately I began to question myself, "What have I done wrong?" "Do I have unconfessed sin or someone that I have not forgiven..." the whole gambit of grilling myself, when I should have been focused on God and how good He is to us. After writing this original post on Saturday night/Sunday Morning of February 19th, I began speaking with the Lord about my confusion regarding this particular situation, my frustrations with not having a clear understanding about it, and I confessed to trying to be an intellectual about something that, to me at least, was a spiritual matter. I have always been honest with God about how thick I can be when it comes to 'getting a clue', and Praise God Almighty Forever, He has always met me right where I am at. I left the matter with Him and continued to be vigilant about watching for His ever patient 'writing on the wall' to get my attention. And the Mighty God that we serve did not disappoint. I was provided with the understanding that when we, as His children, venture into a situation innocently, not only is He willing to help us, but He is EAGER to help us. However, we have to be diligent to learn from these times of His Grace because The Lord God Almighty is not a vending machine that dispenses miracles and blessings without cause. Once I identified what the problem was after He healed me of what in my ignorance I had stumbled into, it was then MY responsibility to correct the behavior of my diet and lifestyle. Once I implemented the necessary changes to my behavior and lifestyle, basically once I learned and was walking in the instruction of the knowledge God had provided, God swiftly brought about the end of the lesson and I was soon walking free. We serve a magnificent and WONDER WORKING God who does know the feelings of our infirmities, and resonates deeper in our souls with His love the more time we spend before Him.

God Bless You.
-----------END EDITED UPDATE-----------

Saturday, February 18, 2012


I had an interesting experience this morning. Woke up at 3:45am and try as I might to get back to sleep, I was wide awake. Laying in bed trying to get to sleep, I thought about all the things that I was thankful for and began telling God about each and every one of them. I figured this would provide me an avenue into sleep, and then I realized that God had a purpose for me to be up...He was calling me to prayer.

Now, for those of you who don't know, I'm an artist and illustrator, so my descriptions tend to be very colorful and dramatic, though I am NOT given to exaggeration. So, having said that, I will now return to my experience.

Having flung myself from bed and grabbed my prayer pillow, I swept up my Bible from my bedside and dashed off to the front room. I cast myself to the floor and spoke honestly before God. "Lord, I've not been woken for prayer like this, and I'm not sure how this goes, so I'm just going to turn this over to you. You're in charge here. Speak Lord, for your servant heareth you." and I began a quiet chant of "Thank You Jesus" and "Thank You Lord" to get my heart into a worshipful state and ready.  I expected an inflow of faces or names that he wanted me to pray for, or scriptures that He wanted me to have ready for the day, I expected a thunder and lightening Spiritual Warfare to take place as a man of God praying in the night watches... I expected something. Anything. But what I got was quite unexpected. SILENCE.

Now my adversary sits there and says "You're an idiot. Zipping out of bed and throwing your 37 year old body onto the floor like that. And for what? Just to figure out you were wrong? That it was all you?"   But he's a liar, so we immediately rebuke whatever he says.

Thinking that perhaps I had to get things rolling, I began to pray for a couple of people. Now, I don't know how it is for most people, but when I'm supposed to pray for someone, I KNOW that I am supposed to pray for them. And right now, I KNEW I was not supposed to be praying for them. So I waited.

Again with the adversary..."Well don't you feel foolish? And aren't you sore down there on the floor like that?"  --REBUKED--

Ah, now I had it. When I realized that I was awake for a reason, I was being thankful. So immediately I began thanking God for anything I could think of. I don't know how to describe it, but my speaking was like so much ruckus. So I stopped. And waited again.

And again with the adversary... "Must be some sin that you haven't repented of, either that or you're not really thankful at all. Isn't your back getting uncomfortable?  It sure would be easy to fall asleep wouldn't it?"  --REBUKED--

But wait... something stirred... there in the silence. So subtle, that had I spoken, I would have missed it. I continued to wait. There it was again, only this time it was more obvious. Now I was looking for it, listening for it... I was attentive not to miss it.

Then it happened...Immediately I had no doubt.
Understanding washed over me and wisdom took hold of my hands as I knew without thinking.

I was at the Master's feet. I was before His Throne. I was called to an audience with the Most High.

"How dare I speak? How dare I tell Him why I was there when HE summoned me? How dare I but patiently wait for Him to speak? How dare I presume to know HIS mind? How dare I ...  "   Suddenly I realized I was doing it again.

I fell silent once again. The understanding rang like crystal through my being.

Needless to say, for the remainder of my time on the floor, I was still.


Now for a little understanding.

I had been called to prayer.
(This was undeniable, because no man in his right mind is wide awake at 3:45am, especially me.)
I moved in FAITH that I had been called to prayer by prostrating myself on the floor.
Realizing my unfamiliarity with where I was, I placed my faith in God to lead.

That's when I do what comes naturally to every human being on the planet.

I hopped in the drivers seat and drove into a wall.
I took the reigns and steered the horse into the river.
I dismissed the captain and flew the plane right into a mountain.

Three times He let me figure out that I was in the drivers seat again, and three times I got back into the passenger seat. When I hesitated to get back in the drivers seat, He was able to arrest my attention. After I finally shut up, He spoke.

It occurs to me that no where in scripture does it ever show you a throng of people surrounding Jesus and "blattin' their brains out". People just didn't do it, they gathered around Jesus to HEAR HIM SPEAK. Now, I understand there are times when we need to speak to Him about something, and I'm all for that...but how often do we get in front of God and wait on Him? How often do we come before His Throne with our own agenda? How many times are we called to an audience with the Most High and then we dictate to Him? Any relationship counselor will tell you that for a relationship to work there needs to be communication, and communication is a two way street. So for as much time as we spend speaking, we should at least spend an equal amount of time listening. (Being that God is all knowing, all powerful, and all present, we would do well to give Him MORE time to speak.)

JAMES 1:19
Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath:

BE STILL, and know that I am God.

Be still translates from the Hebrew word raphah, which means to sink, relax, abate, cease, consume, draw toward evening, fail, be faint, wax feeble, forsake, to slacken (in many applications, literal or figurative) -- abate, cease, consume, draw (toward evening), fail, be faint, wax feeble, forsake, idle, leave, let alone (go, down), (be) slack, stay, be still, be slothful, (be) weak(-en).  It is a command. Obey God's Commands. Stop whatever it is that you are doing, whether it's struggling, worrying, doubting, questioning, failing, sinning...whatever it is...just stop.

The Hebrew word rapha which means cure, cause to heal, physician, repair, make whole is pronounced the same way as raphah. One of the Biblical names of God is Jehovah-Rapha, the Lord our Healer. Is it any wonder that the two words are spoken the same way? In order for God to be our healer, I am certain we must learn to be still in front of Him. 

Be still, and KNOW THAT I AM GOD.

 Once we obey His command to be still...what follows will prove beyond doubt who we are "being still" in front of. No matter what it is, when we are silent and listen we will hear God's heart, and whatever has our cares will melt away.

ISAIAH 40:31
But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. 

But they that wait, translated from the Hebrew word qavah, which means to bind together (perhaps by twisting), i.e. Collect; (figuratively) to expect -- gather (together), look, patiently, tarry, wait (for, on, upon).  As you can see, it has a unifying property that under-girds the waiting, so it is not an idle waiting, but the waiting becomes an action of unifying you with that which you are waiting for.

Friday, February 3, 2012



JOHN 10:10
The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.

I would like to say that this is not to magnify the works of the enemy, but to acquaint you with the more intricate and hidden works by which he keeps the church (or body) of Jesus Christ from joining together and working as one body.

There are many outward manifestations of demon power - and many Holy Ghost filled Christians can see these works. Whether or not they do anything about it is something else. As I said before this will deal with the deeper - hidden - hindrances. Many folks call these things by other names, but I will tell you a few things about some that I have come into contact with.


This is an especially deceiving spirit, because it manifests itself in many different ways. It may show itself in the following manner. JEALOUSY - spiritual jealousy - of another's ministry. Also of others earthly possessions. It may also show up as Jealousy, perhaps between man and wife - spiritually - mostly but occasionally one will leave the other to go and have spiritual fellowship with someone else. Now, because the one partner is willing to give up all (I don't mean separation or divorce) the other might feel slighted or hurt. This can be a manifestation of this self spirit. There are many more illustrations or manifestations of this type of demon. The reason it is hard to discern is because it can appear to be a demon of jealousy - a demon of covetousness, pride - lying - deceiving, and so many others. You cannot cast out a demon of self by calling it jealousy - covetousness - lying - pride...etc. It will also display itself by calling attention to the party involved - Perhaps by a particular display of talent - rather an over display. Wearing of eye catching clothes - make up - or jewelry. I mean an over-dosage of these things. Some have called it pride - yes, it can be - but it is also one of the manifestations of a Self-Demon. Also, a person that is under control of this spirit may be very demanding on their mate or those closely associated with them, demanding attention or service from those near. We must be definitely led of God and using the Gift of Discernment when dealing with this type. The first reason being - the person involved very seldom realizes what is going on. I mean they don't see this thing hurting those around them, nor do they think they are doing these very works. Secondly - this spirit will cause the person to be unwilling to accept the Truth when confronted with it. Thirdly - the person must be dealt with in love. Fourthly, we must not be swayed by natural excuses or arguments. It is easy to fall under the sway and influence of this demon, when we deal with it, because of the natural desires to be helpful, we sometimes let our carnal mind figure it out. This is a great danger - that is why I emphasize that you be led of God and in fact it is better to be with another Christian that can see this thing. Really three is the best, but if for some reason there is no deliverance or you feel unable to do the necessary work - if you can talk to the person and tell them that many of their actions are hurting others, asking them to pray about it. Then try to get them to a man of God that can cast it out. Once can have the demon of pride and not the demon of self. I must emphasize this, all these manifestations that can be ascribed to different demons can be manifested by the self spirit. We cannot go just by our carnal understanding or our carnal eye. We must have the witness of the Holy Spirit. It is possible to have all of these in one person also - we must know what we are doing.

This particular spirit is very much in use right now in the churches of Jesus Christ. And this is hard to discern because of its different manifestations. I say hard to discern - what I'm really saying is, it is hard when you have never seen it before. When we have never seen these different demons in operation it may cause us to jump to conclusions - we must be very careful. Now, this spirit will cause the average preacher or layman all kinds of trouble. As I said, because of it's very nature. It is deceiving - a deceiving spirit. I have seen two Christians talking to each other and wind up getting upset - huffy and finally either walk away from each other in disgust or get into a heated argument. This deceiving spirit was in operation - twisting the words of love in the understanding of the other. Here is an example: I say something to you about not being in church for mid-week service. You hear the words I have said - but your understanding tells you I have inferred that you are lazy or lax or unconcerned or some other thing that will make you a little rebellious. Then you answer me perhaps a little on the sharp side - something like "well some people have to work for a living and get tired...etc, etc."You see then I get a little perturbed because you have called me lazy or perhaps inferred that I don't have to work or my job is easy. This particular spirit will show up many times between two people or between the pastor and people. In fact this thing has raised up its ugly works to the extent of causing preachers to feel a block or hindrance when they try to minister. Also - many people feel a hindrance or a block when the pastor or evangelist is preaching. Many will be blessed in the meeting but the one involved will say "I didn't get a thing. Seems as though I can't get anything as long as he is preaching."

There are many hungry Christians that have this problem of not being satisfied with the preaching because it is not deep enough - that is a different problem.

Then there is also the case of a whole congregation being unhappy with their minister - perhaps because of his not wanting to go on with God - but that is also something else.

This demon will work in many different ways. He will change the real circumstances into something derogatory. For instance - you will hear someone say - I haven't got $0.50 in my pocket - perhaps they are living by faith. Then the next day you see them going into a store to buy groceries. A deceiving spirit will cause you to accept the fact that they were lying when they said they didn't have $0.50... you jump to a conclusion instead of searching out the matter, first in prayer and then in the natural - if necessary. You see if something is deceiving that means you really don't see the truth. Mostly you see a part and base a decision on the part instead of the whole. We must be careful - exceedingly careful, when dealing with this demon also. One reason begin - what we say can be twisted in this person's understanding by this spirit until we can do nothing for them. The Spirit of the Lord must lead us and give us wisdom and the right words to speak. 

We can be easily put off or even cause us to think we are wrong if we are not prayed up and being led of God. We must bring this deliverance about in love. You cannot deal with any of these demons or, rather, the people in which the demon resides, or is oppressing, without love. Love is the main factor. Without love your words will be as tinkling cymbals and sounding brass. you see love breaks down the natural resistance in a person to "being wrong". It is hard for people to accept the fact that they can be wrong, or are wrong. Or that they have something wrong in their lives. This is the biggest problem in dealing with these folks. But the love of God through us - coupled with a sweet and humble spirit will break this hindrance.

I feel as though I must caution you again - DO NOT jump to conclusions. do not judge the situation without both sides - do not judge with out the prayer that is absolutely necessary. Don't go running around the church saying 'You got this demon, you got that demon...etc.' There must be a great deal of prayer about it. It really is a shame to find such a lack of prayer in the churches today. Also in individual lives.

We have to recognize these things in our churches and our lives. Satan has his workers in every church. Especially every church that is trying to do the work of the Lord. These dead churches - the ones that don't even believe the Bible Truths of Salvation by the Blood - Healing by the Stripes. These are overrun with different kinds of demons, but these subtle - hidden - hard to get at kind are at work in the live churches.

Now, don't jump ahead and say that there are no liers in your church. A lying demon does not necessarily cause you to tell lies. Although it has and is doing this type of work right now in many lives. The particular phase of this demon, as in the already discussed Spirit that I wish to bring out now, is the secretive unseen or unnoticed work. You see, when a person tells a lie - you can usually tell or at least sooner or later it comes out. But now we come to the place where the church has rid itself of most of these outward type demons and is trying to go on in God, and the people are wondering why there is no real harmony - working together or perhaps feel a 'holding back'. As I said before, we are dealing with the hidden - hard to get at - kind. (Hard because the person involved must recognize it or at least be willing to be delivered of anything that might be in their life that is hindering the work of God or others that are trying to work for God.) (It also hinders the person from ministering to others - possibly even hindering a whole church and the operation of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit in that persons life.)

A lying demon may come and tell you that you are not saved - especially right after you make your decision for Christ. But it has been known to work on well established Christians, during a time of testing, and many times turn them away from God. A lying demon may come to you and tell you that you did not receive the Holy Spirit with Speaking in Tongues, right after you had a glorious experience with God. He may even persist by asking you 'Well, were is the power - if you got filled with the Holy Ghost and spoke in tongues as the Spirit gave utterance - then lets see the power.' Folks, we must be careful not to jump to conclusions. If we are capable to handle the power right away - we will have it, but we must remember - that this power can only be used the way the Lord wants it used. We have to be obedient in the small things first, then when we are properly schooled (by the Holy Spirit) then we find different phases of God's power at our finger tips. But you see, then, we only use it according to the perfect will of God. We are able to handle it properly, we are not ruled by our desires.

The lying demon will talk to you as thoughts - not in an audible voice. He may tell you there is no such experience as the Baptism in the Holy Spirit, accompanied with the Speaking in Tongues. If he can keep you from going on in God, he will tell every lie there is. He will tell you there is no healing for today. After you hear about someone getting healed or even see someone get healed then he will say its not for you though. He goes on and on and on. As you go on in God you find he backs up every time, but he goes back fighting. Now there are other ways he lies - by telling you that Brother So and So doesn't like you because he didn't shake hands with you two weeks in a row. If we listen to this lie we are opening the doors for more and perhaps even to where this demon will have residence IN you. This demon will cause men to believe their wives are running around with other men - this demon will convince women that their husband doesn't love them anymore. He implants lies into our minds - to destroy the work of God in us and the work of the Lord in the church. To cause us to turn against one another - to cause division - strife. Another thing - don't have itching ears to listen to gossip or rumors - lies are the work of the enemy, if we stop the rumor as soon as it gets to us - it probably will go no further. Gossip goes from ear to ear, house to house. Truth goes from you to God - then to the person involved - lets be scriptural. Pray about it. Get one of the elders or the pastor or someone that is a spiritual pillar. Discuss it with them - pray about it together - then go to the one involved. If you can't deliver them - don't talk about them.

Even when you are dealing with a person that is involved - there is a possibility of this demon to lie to the person and get them to believe that you are picking on them, or that you don't really want to help them, that you're  just nosy or a busy body. A lying spirit will tell you folks are laughing at you when they are not. It may tell you that you are sick when you are not. It may tell you that you are going the wrong direction when you are driving your car or as in one case, it happened to be snowing very hard - fact is...blizzard proportions. I was driving or trying to drive home. Cars were stuck and getting stuck all over the road. I finally got loose from the cars, and got to going on down the road. I could hardly see for the blowing snow, but we prayed as we drove and let God steer us. Every so often a lie would come into my mind - you are headed off the road - better get over to the left more - it would continue until I would almost be turning the wheel. Then I'd pray "Oh God - let me see where I am." If I had turned just a little to the left I would have been in the ditch for sure. Further on the lying demon tried to get me to go more to the right - he kept saying 'You're getting close to the edge of the road, better move over to the right further.' After a while of this - I'd pray again "Lord, let me see again where I'm at." If I had moved to the right I would have been into the drifts and where there were no drifts I would have been into the ditch again. If I had jumped to the conclusion that I should turn - well, I would have been in a rough situation.
A lying demon will tell us that certain folks don't like us - when actually they are praying for us. A lying demon will tell us not to testify to people because they don't want to hear it anyway. It will also tell us not to witness to others because their too far gone or they are staunch this or solid that. God moves on us to pass out tracts - the lying demon tells us they will only throw them away - no one wants to read about religion etc. etc. Another good one he uses is 'You're above that ministry now - you don't have to do that anymore, you don't need to give out tracts or testify to everyone anymore." Another very effective one is "WHY PRAY? You haven't seen any results, no one cares if you're there at the prayer meeting anyway, skip private prayer for a while, you need a rest - that's hard work - praying" or "You don't need to pray before services - your gift will operate just as well - you're an advanced Christian now - a real spiritual person"... Folks, you better watch out for this lying demon, he causes an opening for pride and the churches today have more than their share of pride. If you are too good to spend time in prayer and waiting on God - you're not much good to God. I am finding that, where the folks are anxious to go on with God, and get into the Spiritual Things, they are wide open to the for mentioned spirits. A lying demon and a deceiving demon are very close in their operation and a great many times both will be working in the same person or persons.

This is indeed, another very predominant demon at work in the churches today. This spirit can manifest itself outwardly but its real work is inside. Like a cancer - sometimes you will see it on the outside but the real damage is on the inside, the part you can't see. I think most folds know what jealousy is, but do you realize there is such a thing as spiritual jealousy? Oh, yes - this is a real destroyer of the faith. Because Brother So and So has a great success in his church - we become jealous - because he is successful? It's possible - but rather that he has been Blessed of God. He is having revival and we are struggling. Another more evident case today is Brother So and So prays for the sick and has great miracles in his ministry and in his church.. now.. don't belittle this work because it is greater than yours. Because he has more of God in his ministry don't say "You don't need that - we are going for more spiritual things." Brother or Sister, you haven't got that kind of ministry and you're jealous of their ministry. You can have that ministry if you pay the price. The other fellow paid the price - the other fellow was called to build an independent organization to display the works of God to a lost and dying world. The churches have not been doing these works of God, so God has to raise up a man that will do as the Spirit of God leads him to. Don't be jealous of this man or that man because their ministry is reaching more folks than yours is, because more souls are saved in one meeting than in a whole year under your ministry. Don't belittle it and say "Well, we don't know how many are really saved." God raised them up - remember that. 

Now a jealous spirit will cause us to feel resentment against our brethren - because they have the gift of tongues and interpretation, or perhaps the gift of prophecy. We ma not 'like' the way they minister their gifts, we may be caused to doubt the 'realness' of this operation of the Spirit of God. Oh, it's so easy to criticize someone else. A 'get even' criticism is of the devil. If you criticize to hurt - not help - if you tell someone something without love - you are performing the works of the enemy. Don't be jealous of a brother or sister's ministry, rather praise and thank God that He is using them to bring Glory to His Name. After all - the body has many members - you need your hands to wash your feet. Because God has chosen someone else to be a more prominent member of the body - it does not mean you are lesser in God's sight - BLESS GOD - He is no respecter of persons. He knows what you can do best. Spiritual Jealousy is a great deal more harmful than any of us realize, for today when God is drawing the body together (by love) we are becoming more concious of what God has done for others. This is where the devil has put in the spirit of jealousy to work - because God is doing a work now, that man has not been able to do - with all of his 'don't do this' and 'don't do that'. God is bringing his church to the place where it can function as God wants it to. This is the end of mans time, not its God's time to take over. Satan wants to destroy this work - hinder it by working on our weak spots. If God has called you to be an usher in His church - do it with all your heart. Be sure God has called you to do this. Be very sure, that if you are called to something higher - God will put you there when you are ready.

The person that is domineered by this spirit will not only exhibit this outwardly, but as the others discussed, the real hurt is inside. Are you proud because God has used you this way or that? When you testify, do you find yourself buidling up yourself instead of Christ? Do you feel as though you are really the chosen of God? People have this trouble and so do churches - and organizations. Do you realize that when you say "what they're doing is good, but we are chosen to go on and do this or that, God has chosen us," as if you were the only church or person or organization that God is moving in. Folks, God is bigger than all these things rolled together. God is drawing His church together. This demon of pride will cause others around you or this person to possibly give over to the demon of jealousy. Folks - love overrules all these things. If we give ourselves over to love - and resist these other things as they come up against us - we shall be more than conquerors. The scriptures says "Submit yourself to God - resist the Devil and he will flee." We must face these problems and demoniacal workings - and we must face them squarely - meet them head on - and be more than conquerors. We can be proud of our humbleness - an inward - "I'm glad I'm not like him - he's proud." Don't be fooled by this spirit - it is a very subtle way of pride operating. 

Many Holy Spirit filled Christians can see the works that I have brought forth in this book. Whether or not they do something about it is something else. 

Many people call these spirits by other names - and because of it, deliverance is impossible. "Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free."  "When the Son sets free - is free indeed." Remember - if you refuse the truth - GOD - yes, God will cause you to believe a lie.
2 Thessalonians 2:10,11,12
And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. 
I earnestly hope that everyone that has read this book will search themselves as never before. I pray that there will be a real desire to be delivered of any hindrance, that the body of Jesus Christ may be clean and without the hurtful, damaging, hidden hindrances, that are so predominant today.

------- END OF DOCUMENT ------

Monday, January 23, 2012


Last night I had a very strange experience. Through the night I had various scripture readings playing that I had made during our morning devotionals. These continue on an infinite loop, until they are shut off in the morning. So, you can imagine, it was quite strange that I had a nightmare that lasted nearly 5 hours, during which I was not sleeping, but drifting in a sort of daze until 4:45am. The nightmare centered around an antagonist which was like Jason Voorhees of the "Friday the 13th" movies which I have not seen since my early teen years. For those of you who are unfamiliar with this villain, he wore a hockey mask and slaughtered often drunken fornicating teenagers at Camp Crystal Lake. (That was the premise of the first one, the sequel and subsequent movies varied dramatically in the setting). The following link will take you to "Dreams of a Zombey" my dream diary, where you can read a detailed account of the dream...BE ADVISED, it is graphic and contains illicit imagery. 5 HOUR NIGHTMARE

First and foremost, the lesson that I learned is this: WE CAN CONTROL OUR DREAMS. Our dreams are not some frivolous ensemble of random memories from the day that we are mere observers of. Granted there are often symbols in the dream of things that our mind might be working through, events of the day, current concerns or even memories...but the mind is like a muscle, and the more that muscle is trained, the more our minds can form cohesive themes.

Second, and probably most important, the adversary can infiltrate our dreams by placing images, thoughts and suggestions, as well as scenes in our dreams to solicit us into situations to cause us question or doubt our walk with Christ. I have experienced this personally, on a number of occasions, and while I used to succumb to these before, because I have learned to control my dreams when they appear, I have been victorious over them by claiming Jesus Christ as Lord and the following scripture, 2 Corinthians 10:4-6, has been invaluable in these situations:

4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)
5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;
6 And having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled.

Third, God can utilize our dreams to instruct us and test our resolve in certain matters. As with the above second mentioned point, what the adversary intends for evil, God can use for good. Now, I do not claim to be a dream interpreter, by any means, that ability belongs to God alone. However, if we are students of our dreams, that is looking for lessons and understanding the symbols of our dreams, we can learn a lot about ourselves. Often times I find the setting of a dream, the characters in a dream, or the theme of the dream itself to be familiar to me. Much like the elements of a story, these lend to the over all understanding of the dream.

In the dream last night, I woke with the following understanding: The adversary is always hunting me, I am courageous and willing to help others, I still have concerns about the way others view my walk with Jesus Christ, and when the way seems barred, always look for another way out. I also learned an important lesson about the enemy... often times he will distract you with an illusion of an attack while the whole time his intention is to keep your attention there so that you are not aware that he is attacking you in another way. My devotions this morning lend themselves to this understanding, and God's Holy Spirit confirms that He is always with me and that I am never tested above that which I can endure.

Saturday, January 21, 2012


  ROMANS 4:17
As it is written, I have made thee a father of many nations, before him whom he believed, even God, who quickeneth the dead, and calleth those things which be not as though they were.
  GENESIS 15:3-6, 18:9-15
And Abram said, Behold, to me thou hast given no seed: and, lo, one born in my house is mine heir. And, behold, the word of the Lord came unto him, saying, This shall not be thine heir; but he that shall come forth out of thine own bowels shall be thine heir. And he brought him forth abroad, and said, Look now toward heaven, and tell the stars, if thou be able to number them: and he said unto him, So shall thy seed be.
And they said unto him, Where is Sarah thy wife? And he said, Behold, in the tent. And he said, I will certainly return unto thee according to the time of life; and, lo, Sara thy wife shall have a son. And Sarah heard it in the tent door, which was behind him. Now Abraham and Sarah were old and well stricken in age; and it ceased to be with Sarah after the manner of women. Therefore Sarah laughed within herself, saying, After I am waxed old shall I have pleasure, my lord being old also? And the Lord said unto Abraham, Wherefore did Sarah laugh, saying, Shall I of a surety bear a child, which am old? Is any thing too hard for the Lord? At the time appointed I will return unto thee, according to the time of life, and Sarah shall have a son. Then Sarah denied, saying, I laughed not; for she was afraid. And he said, Nay; but thou didst laugh.
Go and cry in the ears of Jerusalem, saying, Thus saith the Lord; I remember thee, the kindness of thy youth, the love of thine espousals, when thou wentest after me in the wilderness, in a land that was not sown.
It is reported commonly that there is fornication among you, and such fornication as is not so much as named among the Gentiles, that one should have his father's wife. And ye are puffed up, and have not rather mourned, that he that hath done this deed might be taken away from among you. For I verily, as absent in body, but present in spirit, have judged already, as though I were present, concerning him that hath so done this deed, In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, when ye are gathered together, and my spirit, with the power of our Lord Jesus Christ, To deliver such an one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus. Your glorying is not good. Know ye not that a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump? Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened. for even Christ our passover is sacrificed for us: Therefore let us keep the feast, not with old leaven, neither with the leaven of malice and wickedness; but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth. I wrote unto you in an epistle not to company with fornicators: Yet not altogether with the fornicators of this world, or with the covetous, or extortioners, or with idolaters; for then must ye needs go out of the world. But not I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a borther be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat. For what have I to do to judge them also that are without? do notyet judge them that are within? But them that are without God judgeth. Therefore put away from among yourselves that wicked person.
Hear me when I call, O God of my righteousness: thou hast enlarged me when I was in distress; have mercy upon me and hear my prayer. O ye sons of men, how long will ye turn my glory into shame? how long will ye love vanity, and seek after leasing? SELAH  But know that the Lord hath set apart him that is godly for himself: the Lord will hear when I call unto him. Stand in awe, and sin not: commune with your own heart upon your bed, and be still. SELAH  Offer the sacrifices of righteousness, and put your trust in the Lord. There be many that say, Who will shew us any good? Lord lift thou up the light of thy countenance upon us. Thou hast put gladness in my heart, more than in the time that their corn and their wine increased. I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: for thou, Lord, only makest me dwell in safety.